

Rebound is a caring partner in the successful development of youth.
Your Name:
What is your preferred pronoun?
Your Email:
Phone Number:
Your Date of Birth
Please list your past volunteer experience
What areas within the organization would you be interested in volunteering for?
How much time are you able to commit?
Please provide two references (non-family members eg: Employers, Teachers, Volunteer Supervisors, Co-Workers etc):
Where did you hear about our organization? 
Why did you choose to volunteer at Rebound? 
When are you available? 
In case of an emergency please contact:
Emergency Contact Name
Relationship to volunteer.
Emergency Contact Phone Number
I am available for a volunteer interview during these times
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Email: [email protected]Phone: 1-519-344-2841
© 2020 Sarnia-Lambton Rebound. Charitable No. 13205 7100 RR0001