
contact us

Rebound is a caring partner in the successful development of youth.

Sarnia Rebound

c/o DOW Center for Youth
10 Lorne Cres. , Sarnia, ON
N7S 1H8
Charitable No.13205 7100 RR0001
Tel. 1-519-344-2841
Fax, 1-519-344-8024
[email protected]

Petrolia Rebound

431 King Street
Petrolia, ON
N0N 1R0

Forest Rebound

North Lambton Community Health
Unit 45
59 King St W. , Forest, ON
N0N 1J0
Tel. 1-519-466-3396
Email: [email protected]Phone: 1-519-344-2841
© 2020 Sarnia-Lambton Rebound. Charitable No. 13205 7100 RR0001