
RFP-Financial Services

Rebound is a caring partner in the successful development of youth.


Financial Auditing Services

Proposals will be received until

February 10th, 2023


Sarnia Lambton Rebound

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Financial Auditing Services

Request for Proposal


Sarnia-Lambton Rebound: A Program for Youth (Sarnia-Lambton Rebound) is inviting proposals from pre-qualified firms to provide Financial Auditing Services for the organization’s fiscal years falling in the period April 01, 2022 – March 31, 2025.


Created in 1984, Sarnia-Lambton Rebound has successfully served over 40,000 young people from across Lambton County in our effective community-based programs for youth. Leaders in life skills facilitation, education, and cognitive skill development programs have played an integral role in the development of each of our programs. Sarnia Lambton Rebound is a leader in the field of prevention and early intervention services for youth. Our holistic approach to skill development includes life skills facilitation, education and cognitive skills training, combined with holistic supports such as the expressive arts and relaxation techniques. Our programs allow youth to practice new coping strategies that fit with real life. We offer a variety of programs and services designed to empower youth. From individual support to 10 week group programs to after school drop in sessions, youth can always expect to find a safe, caring and accepting space when they come to Rebound.

Proposal Requirements:

• Proposals must be received via e-mail, before 4:30pm on February 10th, 2023

• Please address your proposal to: Sarah McCann, Business Manager, SLR.

• Submit by email to [email protected]

• An email confirming receipt of the proposal will be sent to all proposers. A proposal will not be considered official until a confirmation email has been sent.

Guidelines for Proposal Content:

The successful firm shall prepare audited financial statements, from comprehensive working papers, for Sarnia-Lambton Rebound, in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and Canadian Accounting standards for Not-for-profit organizations. The firm will be expected to present the Audited Financial Statements to the Annual General Meeting to be held no later than 120 days after the fiscal year end of March 31, for a term of three (3) years.

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Our Agency requires the following services:

1. Annual financial statement audit.

2. Recommendations based on audit findings and/or issue a Management Letter.

3. Review and sign off of Ministry funded programs.

All of the above must be completed within 120 days of the end of each fiscal year, in order for our Board to review each document prior to its submission to the appropriate recipients. In addition, our agency requires that a meeting of the auditors and Board of Directors be held to discuss a draft version of the financial statements (typically within 70 days of the end of the fiscal year) and that the auditors meet at least yearly with the Board of Directors’ [finance/audit] committee.

Specific proposal contents:

The submission to include the following:

• A description of the firm and the qualifications of professionals, which will be working directly with the organizations’ audits.

• A description of experience providing services for comparable organizations, specifically non-profits.

• Appropriate references that Sarnia-Lambton Rebound may contact.

• Fee structure including an estimate of the total billing for the next 3 years

• Describe your billing rates and procedures for technical questions that may come up during the year, or whether these occasional services are covered in the proposed fee structure;

Proposal Review and Assessment:

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

• Be current with respect to legislation relevant to the operations of a Canadian registered charity;

• Have experience in providing audit services for similar sized registered charities;

• The background, education, qualifications and relevant experience of staff assigned to the engagement, and the professional standards of the firm;

• Reputation of the firm in its industry, and particular areas of expertise which may be of value beyond the normal engagement;

• Be in a position to provide professional development opportunities for staff through events, webinars, and blogs about non-profit related subjects;

• Having a Diversity and Inclusion Policy and related programs and initiatives;

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• Understanding of the scope of the proposed professional services as evidenced by the proposal submitted including a comprehensive understanding of issues that affect Sarnia-Lambton Rebound and the communities it serves

• Proposed fee structure for each of the three(3) years of the proposal period including details of administration fee structure; and,

• Reference checks.

For More Information:

Sarah McCann

Business Manager

(519)344-2841 ext. 102

[email protected]

Email: [email protected]Phone: 1-519-344-2841
© 2020 Sarnia-Lambton Rebound. Charitable No. 13205 7100 RR0001